mardi 12 avril 2016

lundi 11 avril 2016

Tips to Keep Cool This Summer

Summer is a great season to get a good tan, go to the beach and have your fill of activities. However, it can get really hot sometimes, especially when you're in places like Qatar and the Middle East. Unfortunately, you can't just stay in your air-conditioned room all day like a hermit, right? So don't let the heat put you down. You can still have fun, get fit and keep the summer heat away by using some clever tricks. Check out these tips to keep you cool this summer.
Level up your water
There's nothing like drinking a cold glass of water to quench your thirst. Add some ice, and it's like Antarctica just visited your mouth for a few seconds. Of course, you want the cool feeling to linger, right? But ice cubes melt and even the warmth of your hand can easily temper a cold glass. Here's a neat trick: place mint sprigs on you glass or a pitcher of water. Mint has menthol, a natural chemical, which tricks the brain into perceiving its cold and helps prolong the cold effects of foods, even though in reality the temperature is the same. That's why when you chew gum, which has menthol, it is not cold but gives off a cooling sensation when you chew it. Awesome summer science.
Go light and technical
Despite the heat, you really need to get your fitness fix. But it's hard to stay focused when it seems like you're in a sauna. It could be dangerous too! Since too much sweat could cause slips and other accidents. What's the best way to keep cool while working out, doing sports or doing outdoor activities? One is to choose shoes with breathable materials. Such shoes are typically lightweight and made from porous yet durable materials to provide good airflow as you move. If you're not familiar with such shoes, I suggest you try Reebok shoes. Besides the said features, Reebok shoes, which can be conveniently bought at an online shop, have outsoles with good grip to prevent slips.
On the other hand, when it comes to summer fitness, its best to avoid cotton cloths. Despite its light and soft features, cotton soaks up moisture too well. You can be left soaking in your own sweat and uncomfortable while working out. Choose technical wear with sweat-wicking properties. This features allows the clothes to channel sweat away from your skin, keeping you dry, while letting it evaporate at the clothes' front, effectively cooling you off in the process. Another great thing about technical clothes is their trendy design which makes them suitable as lifestyle wear, as well.
Avoid ice cream... as well as these other foods and drinks
Summer seems so sad without ice cream, but dietitians recommend staying away from ice cream and other sugary foods when it's hot. This is because ice cream, doughnuts, candy bars, sweet breads and similar foods are usually high processed foods. And believe it or not, these foods are dehydrating and their high but simple carbohydrate content can keep your body warm. Don't worry, to curb your summer ice cream cravings just read on...
Reach for that fruit basket
Thirsty? Eat a fruit. Those four words may not make sense to most people, but there are certain fruits which have a high water content that can quench your thirst when you eat them. Watermelons, for instance, have a water per volume content of over 90 percent. So do strawberries (bet you didn't know that). Pineapples, oranges, melons and cucumbers (yes, cucumbers are fruits!) also have high water content. Place them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or more before eating them for a nice cooling effect. And yes, you can puree fruits and make them into sorbet to curb your ice cream craving.
Finally, keep a positive outlook. Yeah, it's hot (and possibly humid) so no need to pile the negative vibes. Keep things light and always look at the bright (but not hot) side.
Baburaj Devi - E-commerce Manager For more fitness, sports and health articles please visit https://www.sportscorner.me/index.php?route=blog/post

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9377672
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mercredi 17 février 2016

7 Healthy Foods for You

Eat healthy and delicious food so that your body can get enough proteins. Add low fat foods in your diet if you want to have a perfect body. If you are a lazy person then an oven can be your best friend. It is probably the best way to cook meat, veggies, and fruits using an oven. I would like to suggest seven foods that I would cook in an oven.
1. Baked Halibut Steaks
I have put halibut in my list because it is healthy and delicious. The halibut steaks recipe is divided into two parts. First you have to make a special sauce. In the second part you prepare halibut and bake it. It takes 50 minutes to cook halibut steaks.
2. Baked Aubergine
It has sweet potatoes and miso paste that makes it delicious. You can experiment by adding few ingredients of your choice. It has same procedure as halibut, but the taste is different. It takes 50 minutes to cook Roasted Aubergine.
3. Vegetable barbecue
Wooden skewers are best for cooking veggie barbecues. The recipe is simple, just dip veggies in barbecue paste and cook in an oven. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to cook. Eat it with Indian mango sauce and chapatis.
4. Japanese Teriyaki
You have to prepare sauce and then pour it on chicken. You may be thinking that the recipe is same as halibut, but it is not. You have to brush sauce every 10 minutes on the chicken until it is cooked. This brushing gives it a new kind of flavor.
5. Garlic Bread
Garlic bread tastes like pizza. It is an Italian finger food that can be cooked in an oven. Pour olive oil on the bread and bake it until it is golden brown. Gently rub garlic and tomatoes on baked bread and bake it again.
6. Vegetable fried rice with eggs
It is good for you because it has a variety of ingredients. You just need couple of eggs, peas, baby carrots, and soya sauce to prepare it. You can change the recipe by adding chicken instead of eggs. You will probably eat a full bowl of rice.
7. Cajun chicken
It is a combination of spices, cheese, and chicken. First you have to cut chicken into flat pieces. Prepare filling and put it inside chicken pieces. Cover it and sprinkle Cajun seasoning over the chicken. Bake it for 40 minutes or until the chicken is cooked.
Visit Oremz Health Blog for full recipes. Here is a list of 9 vegetarian recipes that you should cook.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9300777
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lundi 15 février 2016

Comfort Food Addiction and Stress Link - How to Create Choices to Have Joy Within Eating

Comfort food addiction is described with these characteristics. Food products that have a high level of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals that have been process together to enhances and amplify flavors will above normal food levels. Do to the abnormally high levels of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals the body changes its chemistry to adapt to the affects of digesting these foods which has the affect of physically changing persons chemistry. Once the bodies chemistry has changed which affects emotional and mental association to eating comfort food and relaxation through repeated eating comfort food for through reinforcement of behavior with comfort food the mind learns to relax before it even starts to eat your comfort food and that experience forms mental addicted attachment and behavior.
The way comfort food affects relaxation is by reducing energy within the body, that is created by the affect of changing ones chemistry and the mind identify chemical change as relaxation. Any addiction is mind or mental state, body stress in shoulders and tension in body and spirit energy force between the mind and body which is being supported by their breathing pattern that support addiction. It is the interaction of all three that has to be address to change persons compulsive behavior. The power of personal spirit to affect their emotional, physical and enjoyment reality has to be developed and incorporated otherwise you fight your addiction but do not change your addiction. The ability to enhances ones personal spirit force is directly connected to the power of core/breathing for in order to do it at the highest level the whole torso is engaged in each breath and the mind is conscious (conscious is not thinking but feeling action which lets you think with sense of feeling the body) of the experience during the breath. Clarity here for breath and spirit are connected for its force within and being express with each exhale.
Over time the mind and body will adjust its sense of taste to deal with comfort foods over active taste which has the affect of numbing the tong and mouth to point that a person will find it hard to taste anything else other then process foods. Because of altered taste a person will continually pick process foods over other foods because it's the only time they can taste their food. Other foods that have not been process will seem tasteless thereby not enjoyable to eat. It takes time to recover taste once person stop eating comfort food.
There is mindless eating to consuming comfort food for taste is not the issue but creating a chemical induce emotional relaxed state is. The food is consumed as a person is thinking emotionally and being a alone. Then there are the times being with other people at parties and consuming comfort foods, with its high taste of salt, sugar and fat. One of the biggest times to eat comfort food is during entertainment like watching T.V. The minds focus is not on the eating of food but in conjunction of doing other things emotionally. Comfort foods become relaxing cluing to escape into entertainment while person is mindlessly eating to create a relax mind state. Your creating an emotional reality around your comfort foods that drives the eating so the emotional cluing experience can be recreated. Since eating is an emotional physical experience behavior that has been learned, a person can replace the old with a more dynamic experience around food and emotionally balance their wants with needs by finding ideas and techniques within over all method they create with their relationship with food. Here is rule of life "a person is greater then the some of their behavior", for people have their spirit to work from to create a change if they tap into it with its force that is a positive conscious force.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1382684
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